YWCA South Florida Statement on Failure to Pass WHPA

Last night, the majority of our United States senators let us down. The failure to pass the Women's Health Protection Act was deeply hurtful and eye-opening. Their actions took us a thousand steps back in time. Women have come way too far in this country to have our government dictate how we control our own bodies. YWCA South Florida has a responsibility and deep-rooted mission to empower women. That means in situations like this where our constitutional rights are being challenged, we will not back down. We will continue to work hard, and we will advocate for our community to do its part when it comes time to vote. Make no mistake, we will put people in power who believe in women's rights and who protect the rights that we have fought so hard for over the past 100 years. The Senate's failure to protect a woman's right to make personal decisions about her own body, economy, and life is our rally call to speak louder.

We accept that challenge!



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