A Message of Thanks and a Call to Solidarity.

As we begin a season of thanksgiving, we are shadowed again by violence against many of our brothers and sisters. This week, many are grieving while we break bread. “Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate.” The world would have you believe that is the natural order – that peace and dissimilarity cannot coexist. We will never normalize this belief. Our communities ache for understanding. We long for civility, and for the freedom to worship, love and live.The recent antisemitic statements and attacks, along with last weekend’s tragedy in Colorado Springs, follow a trend of rising hate and divisiveness in our country. These are more than attacks on our Jewish and LGBTQ neighbors. They result from the discriminatory and false ideology so carelessly disseminated throughout our nation by the dangerous rhetoric of many powerful people. We will reject the ideas that seek to divide our neighbors and perpetuate hate, and take steps to create communities that are safe for all, regardless of faith practice, race or sexual orientation. We stand united with our brother and sisters. Thoughts and prayers cannot bring back the five souls lost to this latest tragedy. Nor can they erase the unnerving discrimination endured by the Jewish community. It is only through consistently deliberate action that we can end this cycle.We will condemn the recent surge in antisemitic vitriol, and ask those in positions to effect change to do the same.  Together, our voices and platforms must unify to speak up for our neighbors. Sensible gun laws, support for mental health, continuous and factual sharing of information that honors various peoples… We must rally behind efforts that value and uphold the humanity of all.On behalf of our YWCA family, we vow to continue our work to build a world where peace, freedom and dignity for all is more than a slogan but an undeniable reality. We will not rest until justice, just is. We do this for our Jewish and LGBTQ community members. We do this in memory of the five beautiful souls lost this weekend at Club Q. We do this to break the cycle of hate and create a better future. And we must do this together. Thank you for standing with your neighbors, and together with us all year. We are grateful for your continued support. 


Why is respect so difficult for some?


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