Miami Dade County's Next Superintendent Will Shape Our Future

A Decision That Will Shape Our Future for Generations to Come

The decision of who will be Miami-Dade County’s next superintendent is one that could shape our future for generations to come. We need someone with experience in education and leadership, but also somebody dedicated to making this community stronger than ever before.

Over the past 14 years, under the leadership of Superintendent Alberto Carvalho and our School Board, we have seen the graduation rates soar from 58% to over 90%. With Carvalho at the forefront for over a decade, he has been considered a giant when it comes down to education policymaking. Not without his detractors though, he led our district to receive almost every national award for innovation and demonstrated bravery in the face of state and national pressures.

When searching for the next superintendent we must treat this process with the gravity that it deserves. Carvalho's successor needs to have deep experience as an educator and leader managing a large urban district. They also need to grasp the importance of connecting to the minority-majority communities of Miami-Dade. With the futures of more than 340,000 students and a city poised to leap forward, this shift in leadership comes at a pivotal time. Spending time learning about the district and the rich diversity of its residents, especially those of color is vital to succeeding in this role. 

To ensure that all residents have access to exceptional education, the future of our community relies on the new pointed superintendent and how well our schools are performing. This is especially important for minority-majority cities like ours where immigrants and cultural diversity bring new ideas which can benefit everyone involved in this process in order for us as a city's core promise to be maintained - focusing not only on providing quality educational opportunities but also ensuring they are accessible by every student who resides there – we need only look at what has been happening within current demographics: The changing face…

The quality of our schools also deeply impacts the economic success and prosperity in Miami. As a city that continues to rise, prospective businesses will ask about this strength when deciding where they want their children or grandchildren educated--and it’s up to us as we begin our superintendent selection progresses!


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