A Statement from YWCA South Florida CEO, Kerry-Ann Royes

Dear YWCA Friends and Families,Last night, I was yet again in shock. While reading and listening to news reports and scrolling through my social media feeds, I couldn’t believe that the chaotic and violent siege of the U.S. Capitol building was real. American democracy was under attack. Adding to the offense is the inconsistent treatment of protesters from this insurrection and the civilian protests during the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement that was met with tear gas, rubber bullets, and in some cases, military intervention. And, let’s be clear…there was a noose in the courtyard and confederate flags paraded through the hallways. As mobs stormed the Capitol laying mayhem in one of the most sacred spaces of Democracy, yesterday, it appears the seams of the American fabric have been torn apart.I do not know if we can ever go back to the world pre-January 6, but I do not think any of us would want to. We must take the moment we need and focus forward.Let’s feel and voice our frustrations and process the shock and outrage. You have the right. I personally have found solace in Reverend Randolph Marshall Hollerith and The Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde’s recent address calling for an end to the violence.When you are ready, I ask you to find strength in unity. No more polarizing our political parties and our communities. Let’s reflect on the best of what we believe is to live in the United States of America and think about how each one of us can help heal our divided nation. And, let’s not forget, we are a nation still grappling with a pandemic.Together with over 200 YWCAs across the U.S., YWCA South Florida has offered a safe space where employees, volunteers, and families can channel their emotions and values into positive action for 100 years. The hate, bigotry, and racism that have been the cause of our country’s divide cannot continue to be a cornerstone of the America we are trying to rebuild.Until justice just is, YWCA will apply consistent pressure and clear consistent space for intentional learning and action. Join YWCA South Florida in our programs, public policy, and advocacy work to demand justice and drive positive institutional change. You can start our year-long journey in justice with the reboot of the YWCA South Florida 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge, back by overwhelming request. I invite you to register today here.Sincerely,

Kerry-Ann Royes, MBA
President & CEO, YWCA South Florida

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