YWCA South Florida 21-Day Challenge WrapUp Report

Our 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge may have ended last month, but the imprint it has left on the South Florida community has truly been incredible.

21-day challenge report coverWe’re thankful to our corporate sponsors and partners who helped us bring this powerful collective learning opportunity to the community. To learn more about the community impact of YWCA South Florida’s 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge read the full report HERE.

The initiative dedicated to providing participants with daily challenges on topics of racial and social justice was completed by 4,534 participants across 153 cities throughout 25 states! It empowered and educated 477 participants on our Facebook group who engaged in 2,500 reactions, comments, and shares surrounding issues of systemic racism. Most importantly, the Challenge ignited participants in over 21,000 conversations in 21 days to share their experiences completing the Challenge and how they are taking action to make a difference for racial and social justice.

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